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Directory of Resources


Organisations, Charities & Helplines

Mental health -

MIND - 0300 123 3393 

MIND Plymouth and District - 01752 513694

ReThink (Totnes) - 01803 868899

Plymouth Community Mental Health Service - 01752 251072

Peace of Mind Advice and Information Service - 01752 264960

Sane (mental illness emotional support) - 0845 767 80000


Depression and/or Anxiety -

Depression Alliance - 0845 1232320

Depression & Anxiety Self-referral - 01626 203500

No Panic (anxiety) - 0800 1388889

First Steps to Freedom (anxiety) - 0845 120 2916

Anxiety UK - 0870 775 774 


Psychosis -

Insight (At The Zone Plymouth) - 01752 265775


Bipolar -

Plymouth bipolar support group - 01752 229962 

Bipolar UK - 020 7931 6480


Eating Disorders -

beat - 0845 634 1414 Youth line - 0845 634 7650

Eating Disorder Service Plymouth - 01752 228027

National Centre for Eating Disorders - 0845 838 2040

Over Eaters Anonymous - 07000 784985


Young suicide -

Papyrus - HOPELine - 0800 068 41 41


Health -

Plymouth Community Healthcare - 01752 434700

NHS choices - 111

Devon Partnership Trust - 0800 0730 741

Steps (personal development courses) - 01752 434116


Alcohol and/or drug misuse and smoking- 

Alcoholics Anonymous Plymouth - 01752 791111

Al Anon (alcohol) - 0207 4030888

Addaction (alcohol and drugs) Liskeard - 01579 340616 - Torbay - 01803 291129

Harbour Drug and Alcohol Services - 01752 43 43 43

Frank (drugs) - 0300 123 6600 

Livewell Stop Smoking Service -  01752 314040

Smoke Free South West - 0117 9707022

NHS Plymouth smoking advice -  01752 314040


Relationships -

Relate - 0300 100 1234

Relate - Plymouth - 01752 213 131

Family Matters - 01752 606826

Family Lives - 0808 800 2222


Domestic Abuse -

National Domestic Violence - 0808 2000 247

Refuge - 0808 2000 247

Women's Aid - 0808 2000 247

Plymouth Women's Refuge - 01752 562286

Plymouth Domestic Abuse Service - 01752 2520333

(PDAS) & Women's Refuge - 01752 562286

Broken Rainbow (LGBT) - 0845 260 4460


Forced marriage -

Karma Nirvana - 0800 5999247


Sexual abuse/Rape -

Rape Crisis (England and Wales) - 0808 802 9999

Sexual Abuse Listening Therapy - 01752 600599

Twelves Company - 01752 220400

The Survivors Trust - 01788 550554

National Association for people abused in childhood - 0808 801 0331

Devon Rape crisis service - 01392 220174


Bereavement - 

Cruse Bereavement Care (Devon Branch) - 0300 330 5466

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide - 0300 111 5065


Carers - 

Carers Support - 08456 434435

Carers UK - 0808 808 7777

Carers Hub Plymouth - 01752 201890

Carers Trust

Young Carers Trust



Advice - 

Samaritans Plymouth - 01752 221666

Plymouth Citizens Advice Bureau - 01752 520052 

CASS Plymouth Community Advice

and Support Services - 01752 206187

Advice Plymouth - 01752 520052 

Plymouth Guild - 01752 201 766


Working - 

Tomorrow's People - 01752 672200

Working Families - 0300 012 0312

Work in Plymouth - 

Plymouth Access for All Work Club - 01752 205210

Plymouth Barn Barton Work Club - 01752 365904


Debt/Money/Gambling - 

Gamblers Anonymous - 08700 508880

Step Change Debt Charity - 0800 138 1111

Money Advice Plymouth - 01752 208 126

Plymouth Focus Advice Centre - 01752 669785

SureStart Money Advice and

Welfare Rights (SMART) - 01752 606 550

National Debt Helpline - 0808 8084000


Benefits and housing -

Plymouth Council Benefits and Support - 

Plymouth Community Homes - 0800 694 3101

Shelter - 0344 515 2399


Prison support -

Action for Prisoner's families - 0808 808 2003


Farm - 

Farm Crisis Network - 0845 3679990


Young people - 

The Zone Plymouth - 01752 206626 





Personality Disorders Plymouth

We hope that you find this information useful, however this Web Site is intended to provide general information only. For specific individual advice please contact an appropriately qualified professional person about your personal situation. The information provided by this Web Site also aims to be up to date and correct, but we make no warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, services, or related graphics contained on the website for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. The Site is made available on the condition that PD Plymouth and others involved in its production shall not be held responsible for the results of any actions taken as a result of information or opinions contained in it.



Personality Disorders Plymouth

Shining a light on personality disorders

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