TARA is the Treatment and Research Advancements Association for Personality Disorder (USA). It’s a non-profit organization which researches personality disorders, specifically but not exclusively Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).
Their aim is to support research into the causes, psychobiology and treatment of personality disorders; to support and encourage educational programs and endeavours targeting mental health professionals, consumers of mental health services, families and/or the community at large in order to reduce stigma and increase awareness of personality disorder, to disseminate available information on etiology and treatment and to lawfully advocate for accomplishments of these goals.
​​​​Mental health has been highlighted in the news more recently as a growing area for research development.
The amount of people living with mental health conditions warrants the need for research into new innovative treatments.
You can access some research about treatments below.
The International Society of Schema Therapy
This website includes a research section where I found recent (February 2015) research showing great developments in the use of schema (focused) therapy in the reduction of problematic symptoms for people with Antisocial Personality Disorder and Psychopathy.
"perhaps our research can begin to change some attitudes about supposedly untreatable forensic patients with personality disorders".
Personality Disorders Plymouth