Letting go of issues, be free of them.
There are often problems or events which go round on repeat in our minds. Holding grudges for a long period of time can prevent us from being happy.
It has to be your choice to decide to let it go to be able to move on from the pain it has caused.
Express how you felt, the hurt and pain, this could be through talking to the person/people involved, a friend, writing it down - just to get it out of your mind and 'off your chest'.
Nothing is as black as white as it may sometimes seem. You may not have had responsibility for the hurt you experienced, but you may be able to be responsible for part of the hurt you are feeling now. What can you do differently? You are an active participant on your own life not a hopeless victim, so do not let your pain become your identity. Don't let the pain from the power of the past control your future.
Life is messy, and by no means simple, it isn't easy. But take the choice to take back control, it is not too late to take responsibility for your own happiness.
Do not waste your time and energy on someone who has hurt you, the past cannot be changed.
Focus on making the future better by letting go of the past.
Spending time thinking about the here and now leaves less time to think about the past.
Forgive yourself or them. You do not have to agree with what happend in the past and just have to let it go. This may be by forgiving yourself for not doing something, or forgiving someone for doing something.
Find closure and remove blame.
Pain adds stress, decreases our ability to focus, study, work, and our relationships with others.
Choose to let it go and be yourself.