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Self Esteem

Self-esteem is the view we have of ourselves due to internal and external influences. Having a negative view of ourselves can affect many parts of life. Self-esteem can be affected by many things in life, including the media, people we respect, family, friends, teachers, health professionals or even someone we don’t know on the street. Alongside the external factors our inner voice can often be the biggest critique.

The feelings of low self-esteem can impact other emotions and issues such as Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Frustration, Guilt and Shame. All of which can have a detrimental effect on everyday life.

Often low self-esteem from our inner voice can be helped by trying to think differently when faced with ourselves.

  • There I go- listening to that self-critical voice again. Is that how that really is? Is that fact or opinion?

  • Am I focusing on the negative, putting myself down? What would be more realistic?

  • Am I doing the Compare & Despair thing: exaggerating the good aspects of others and criticising myself?

  • What’s the bigger picture? Is there another way of looking at this?

  • How would someone else see it? What would a friend say to me in this situation?

  • What would I think about someone else in this situation? What would I say to a friend?

Skills to help build your self esteem

Act the person you want to be.

Look after yourself- do things you enjoy, eat healthily, do exercise (don’t have to break a sweat, try a calm walk)

Reward and acknowledge your success

Acknowledge your strengths- try thinking of all the thinks your good at and what other have said about you.

Consider upcoming situations and assess the effect they are going to have on you.

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