In everyday life we are often faced with frustrating situations and everyone reacts to different situation in their own way.
Some people react with full force straight away while others will seem to let it go. There are four different categories people fall into; Passive, Aggressive, Assertive, and Passive Aggressive. While you may feel you can identify with one more than the others, most people vary depending on the situation they are in. For example at work you may find it easier to be assertive in your role, whereas at home when frustrated you find yourself huffing and not explaining your feelings, and change to Passive Aggressive. This is totally normal as our reactions are learned behaviour for that situation, such as at work if you huffed and sulked you wouldn’t get much work done, which may lead to consequences with your boss.
Passive- is allowing what happen or what other people do to carry on without active response of resistance.
Aggressive- is reacting to the situation with power and force, ready to confront the frustration.
Assertive- is reacting to the situation with confidence and belief in your frustration.
Passive Aggressive- is avoiding the direct confrontation by showing your frustration in ways such as pouting, huffing or avoiding.
Here are some helpful tips on controlling anger: